No Refunds was the second anthology I did for the second Advanced Graphic Novel class. A lot of the time sequels aren't as good as the original. The ones that fail seem to be the ones that try to directly rehash the original. Often, the ones that stand out are the ones that are able to take important elements of the original and take it in a new direction. 

That was our dilemma going into this project: How could we take what made the first Unversed anthology work and then build off that without just doing the exact same thing. What would be the things we could keep and what would be the things we would have to do make new? And that's how we came up with our theme for this year - you can never go back. As much as we might want to have a mulligan, the only real direction in life is forward.

In addition to the students in the class contributing to the anthology and running the Kickstarter, we opened the roster up to include some of the previous members of the Unversed community. I did all the art direction and editing on the book.